Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Elephant IN the House~

After attended an Indian wedding celebration yesterday (photos of the wedding link: http://canzng.blogspot.com/p/for-houses.html ), my love for Indian art history flows in like a rush. I am a big fan for old Indian hand carvings and paintings for a long time, but I only get to check them out through the internet, and since then I kept pictures of them. Here are some of the pictures that I been keeping.

Hand painted pillars in old Palace! Centuries ago.
Elephant carvings. Look at the details on the the giant gate!
It's CRAZY AMAZING for me! For my birthday if you ask me to choose between Old India photos
and a pile of cash, I would take the pics. ( and maybe the cash tomorrow as belated bday )

I am familiar with Chinese art and carvings, and I found that Indian wooden carvings and Chinese ones are very similar. Flora, fine and compact details.I love the elephants from Indian art and I also love the red of Chinese art.SO... I was thinking..Maybe..I can blend BOTH together to make an Elephant mural! Rich in culture and colors. OKeY..I'm trying out something different. Hope you like it. :)

Here's my Elephant Mural-One ~ Fusion

18 K Gold paint will be used as lining for the head decoration and highlights.

Elephant Mural- Two ~Indian Interior Home

Feature wall for Indian interior room
This one will be in fine red lines and subtle earth color.
Sequins lining ( means using red sequins to decorate the lining ) 
are optional.

Dear all, if you like these murals or something like this, let me know! Send me a picture of the wall you wanted to paint, I'll see what I can do for you. Cheers~

1 comment:

  1. I personnally like the "Elephant Mural-One ~ Fusion"
    The elephant looks so...so great and so real to me...the color combination gave me the feeling that full mystery of india! Amazing!


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