There are some very common wall problems such as Damp or Mould Growth on wall or efflorescent wall problem which seems to be a headache to fix. Actually it can be easily fix when you do it correctly.
Let me explain about efflorescent wall problem first. You know sometimes where you see little powdering and fluffy white deposit on the wall? That seems to spread out and look a little bit like salt? Well those are actually salt.It happens when the water content in the bricks (inside ur wall) evaporate due to the heat, it leaves the salt behind and it surfaces out on the wall.
As for the Dampen or Mould Growth problems are really common in Malaysia. Usually around the walls where the pipes are.I’m not gonna explain too much in case you feel too bored, my friends hate it when I talk about paint & wall. So to cut it short, it’s basically all the black, yellowish patches on the wall. Sometimes it even bubbles up and starts to peel after a while.
Some common wall problems. Yes it's really ugly, so pls fix it. |
SO what you do to fix this is really really simple.
Step 1:
First you need to knock on the wall to listen. The affected area will give you a ‘hollow’ sound while the non affected ones are solid. Then you need to use a scraper to scrap out the affected area. You will notice, big chunks of the wall seems to fall out. That is because it’s ruined and the bricks/ cement has turn really sandy, you need to remove the sandy part totally.
Step 2 :
Then brush it clean with a dry brush. And apply KCC brand- Koresil 400. That is the best sealer I have tried among the rest. Wait till it dries up, it takes a day ( atleast 6 hours if you are in a hurry ). Well, it’s worth to wait, cause you are fixing a few years problem in few days.
Step 3 :
After that, apply cement on it to fill up the hollow area. Use a cement trowel to press really tight, onto the wall to make sure the cement are squeezing through all the little ‘stoney’ gab inside. Flatten the surface. Wait to dry. If it’s a sunny day, it take a day time, if it's evening already, u need to wait till the day after. This is to allow the water in the cement to evaporate entirely.
Step 4 :
If you like your walls to look like ‘Tofu’, you need to sand it. You can wrap a sand paper on a square/ flat wood to make the sanding easy and even. After that, apply 1 or 2 layers of Kcc Koresil 400. Wait to dry.
Step 5 :
Paint your wall. I recommend any brand of Anti-fungal paint. Water-base paint are perfectly fine. Not necessary to use an oil-base, thinking that, “oh if I use oil and the water problem won’t be able to come back” that’s not true. That might even worsen the problem by locking the hydration inside.
If you do everything correctly, I'm pretty sure the problem won't come back. UNLESS, you have a broken pipe inside the wall that is like a water fountain thingy going on in there..then that's a different case. You need call ur plumber. :S